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Hits: 32456

Welcome to Maristuen. We are located in Norway near the E16 road between Oslo and Bergen.

P1060513 kongeveg liten

This picture is from the Kings road in Filefjell near Maristuen. This is a recomended walking route in Lærdal and Vang.

Located in the mountain (815 meters above sealevel) we are close to the Sognefjord (45 km to Lærdal).


In winter here is good conditions for cross country skiing from Maristuen and Alpine skiing (18 km to Tyin Filefjell Alpine center).

In the summer you can walk / hike in the mountain. For fishing it's trout in the river and in mountain lakes.


Driving directions from Bergen to Maristuen

Driving directions from Oslo to Maristuen

Driving directions from Larvik to Maristuen

Driving directions from Otta E6 to Maristuen (from the north) in the summer


Contact information:


phone: +47 576 68 711


mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mountain troutfishing